InScience Film Festival


On this page you will find more information about the InScience foundation, the annual figures and reports, the board and information regarding ANBI status.

ANBI Stichting InScience
Date of incorporation: 23-01-2015
Postal address: Postbus 1584, 6501 BN Nijmegen
Visiting address: Mariënburg 75, 6511 PS Nijmegen
Phone: +31 6 57 34 07 80
RSIN: 8 5 4 8 3 8 3 3 8
KVK: 62490702

Statutory objective
Contributing to making science accessible to a wide audience, promoting science films and strengthening the reputation of Nijmegen as a city of knowledge and culture, by organizing an annual international film festival for science films, and performing anything related to this or that may be conducive to this.

Policy plan outlines
InScience shows the best science films of the moment during the annual festival. A selection of these will compete in the competition program for the NTR Audience Award, InScience Jury Award and the Student Jury Award. The side programming, consisting of lectures, debates, do-it-yourself labs, interactive programs and art installations at the intersection of art and science, gives InScience depth and color. InScience also offers an extensive educational program for primary, secondary and higher education. A special lesson program is part of the film visit. In addition to classroom visits during the festival, tailor-made programs are also offered in collaboration with teachers.

Board as of 01-01-2023
Han van Krieken (chairman): emeritus professor of pathology Radboudumc, former Rector Magnificus Radboud University
Sigrid Wertheim – Heck (secretary): Professor of Food and Healthy Living, Aeres University of Applied Sciences
Ronald Migo (treasurer): government and business advisor
Rob van Hattum (general board member): Chief Science Officer NEMO Science Center / Editor-in-chief Science VPRO
Harmen Neidig (general board member): Academy Director of Applied Biosciences and Chemistry Arnhem Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences
Margreet Cornelius (general board member):  Manager Netwerk Filmeducatie, Eye Filmmuseum
Ybo Buruma (general board member): Supreme Court Judge

Advisory Board
Marc Boumeester, director AKI ArtEZ
Sandra den Hamer, former director EYE
Pepijn Kuyper, business director Nederlands Film Festival

Remuneration policy
The board is unpaid and does not receive any compensation of any kind.

Salaried employees are classified in the CAO Podiumkunsten. Various free-lancers are paid in line with or growing towards the fair practice code.

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