InScience Film Festival

InScience is looking for volunteers!

The next edition of InScience is drawing near and you can help! InScience is thé science filmfestival and it takes place from 10-14 November. In order to create a successful festival we need an enthusiastic group of volunteers to support our team before, during and after the festival. Are you a film enthusiast or a festival lover that wants to contribute to a fun festival for everyone? Sign up now.

Volunteering at InScience

As a volunteer, you will be working with a welcoming team towards a common goal: to get a successful festival off the ground. You will get a peak behind the curtain and be able to find your place in a flexible organisation. You will be able to see the festival come together from the beginning and then experience it for yourself, how awesome is that?

What do we ask for?

Ideally, you will work at least 2 shifts during the construction, deconstruction, or during the festival itself. A shift is about 4 to 6 hours long. You have affinity for science and are excited for the festival!

What do we offer?

Free access to the film program! And of course, you will also get the one and only InScience T-shirt and an opportunity to experience the behind-the-scenes of an international festival.

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