InScience 2023: Winners
InScience screens the best science films of recent years. During the festival, the selected films are judged by the InScience Jury and the Student Jury, which are reconstituted each year. The audience also has a vote and chooses the film that receives the NTR Focus Audience Award, worth € 2,500.
Geographies of Solitude bekroond met twee prijzen
Geographies of Solitude has been named best science film of InScience 2023 by both the InScience Jury and the Student Jury. Director Jacquelyn Mills receives the InScience Jury Award worth €2,500. This year the professional jury consisted of Alexis Gambis, Dan Jin Wu, Ronald Veldhuizen and Valerie van Zuijlen.
The Student Jury praised the film with these words: “Seaweed has become an aesthetic medium of creating images never seen before. The senses are tickled. One becomes truly part of this island. You can almost smell the flowers in between the grasses.”
My Garden of a Thousand Bees wint publieksprijs
The film My Garden of a Thousand Bees has received the NTR Focus Audience Award 2023 during the eighth edition of InScience. This documentary was made during the lockdown by Martin Dohrn, who normally travels the world as an award-winning nature film maker. In his own backyard he discovered the amazing world of bees, which he has captured in breathtaking images.
Winner Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs 2023
The research ‘Papa kan niet lopen, maar wel huppelen’ is the winner of the seventh Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs. The scientists behind the winning project are Anouk Tosserams, doctor-PhD student Rehabilitation & Neurology at Radboudumc, and Dr. Jorik Nonnekes, rehabilitation doctor at Radboudumc. The prize was awarded during InScience.
The winner was chosen by children who were able to vote via the website of Het Klokhuis (NTR) for the research they find most interesting and relevant. A total of 11045 votes were cast. An episode of Het Klokhuis will be devoted to the research area of the winning research. This episode will premiere during the next edition of InScience, from March 14 to 17, 2024.
(Photos below by Jesse Wensing)