Filmcatalogus InScience is online now
The film catalog of InScience International Science Film Festival can now be viewed online on our website. The film catalog of InScience offers an extensive selection of science films. The films of all festival editions can be found here.
Those who want to see the films from the last four years of InScience can now visit our film catalog: a brand new page with over the 200 films. The film catalog was launched with the aim to give professionals and the public an insight into the film archive of InScience.
Films from Ridley Scott van The Martian (2015), Christopher Nolan with Interstellar (2014), Werner Herzog with Lo and Behold (2016) en Damien Chazelle with First Man (2018). And for the real classics, Stanley Kubrick with 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Fritz Lang with Frau im Mond (1929), Steven Spielberg with Minority Report (2002) and Spike Jonze met Her (2013).
Also the films from Oscar nominee Kim Nguyen with The Empire of Scents (2014), Michael Alemereyda with Experimenter (2015) and Oscar nominee Cristian Frei with Sleepless in New York (2014) can you find in this catalog.
Background information is available online. For film advice, requesting a film or other questions about the films, please contact