Amazing Discoveries: Hope Frozen
On November 4 and 5 InScience Amazing Discoveries will take place, with the seven most beautiful and astonishing films in the history of InScience. In the coming weeks, we will present these unforgettable films to you, with the invitation to come and see them as you should: in the cinema with the lights off, your eyes glued to the silver screen.
Following a long struggle with countless surgeries and chemotherapy, Einz, a two-year-old girl from Bangkok, loses the battle against her brain tumor. Already during her fight, her parents decided to freeze the girl after her death, in the hope that she can be brought back to life in the future. Einz thus becomes the youngest person ever to be cryonically preserved, in anticipation of future technology. In this documentary we follow Einz’s family, and we get an extraordinary insight into the current state of affairs regarding cryonics.
Hope Frozen is a penetrating documentary about hope for life after death, about major ethical issues, about devastating grief and the limits of love. Prior to the screening, we will talk to Yvonne Engels, professor in Meaningful Healthcare at Radboudumc. She will discuss the ethical issues surrounding this film. What is mourning? What does it take to process death well? And what does it mean for someone to be brought back to life centuries after death?