The Team
This stunning documentary shows how science became a pillar of a universal fight for human rights. The story starts in the 1980s, when a group of Argentine students decide to help legendary forensic scientist Clyde Snow with his investigation into the desaparacidos – the thousands of people who ‘disappeared’ during the Argentine dictatorship in the years before.
With great success, because in the decades that followed this team was called upon all over the world to dig for the truth behind massacres and mass graves, from Kurdistan to Ethiopia to the horrific El Mozoto massacre in El Salvador. The scientists manage to uncover the truth every where they go, but that is not without danger.
- Director
- Bernardo Ruiz
- Country
- United States
- Length
- 80 min
- Theme
- -
- Type Film
- Documentary
- Year
- 2023
- Language
- Spanish
- Subtitle
- English
- Producer
- Gabriela Alcalde, Bernardo Ruiz
- Editor
- Fabián Caballero